Say Cheese Photo Booth and Bellevue's "In Vue" winter carnival

Bellevue's "In Vue"

If you seek out boutique shops and restaurants, you likely have spent time in places such as "Old" Milford, Mariemont, Oakley, and Hyde Park. Did you know Bellevue, KY offers a similar experience just across the river? This past weekend, we set up a photo booth for Bellevue's annual "In Vue" Winter Carnival just outside the Frame and Hang Studio. The carnival highlghts the historic Fairfield Ave. business district, which offers a fabulous shopping experience due to its ecclectic mix of retail stores offering hard to find items. Special shout out to Witt's End Candy Emporium. Bellevue is a GREAT option for holiday shopping and you can take pleasure in knowing you are supporting small business and helping your local community thrive.